Raise amazing humans without losing who you are
You’ve got little eyes looking up at you, and you want them to see a strong, confident woman who feels great in her own skin.
But, the pressure is incredible for us moms. We feel like we are never doing enough. And if we let comparison creep into our lives, we begin to wonder if we are even capable.
And if you are being real, real with yourself, you want your children to LEARN what it actually takes to be a successful adult.
You know you are the best person to teach them, but you aren’t sure how.
You believe there’s got to be a way to do it without sacrificing yourself, but you don’t know where to start.
You want to lean into simpler times to create a family connection that will last a lifetime, but it’s hard to know where to focus your attention.
I am Aubrey!
Here are a few titles that make up my amazing life: mama, farmer’s wife, nurse, personal trainer, health coach, home school teacher, and lover of the simple life.
My mission is to help other mamas break up with perfection and embrace a simpler, more doable approach to raising a family without losing themselves in the process.
I believe God has gifted you with these sweet littles, and I am confident he’s equipped you–mind, body, and spirit to help them grow and understand his purpose for their lives.
BUT, if you set out on this journey to home school, you’ve got to promise me you won’t get lost in the process. Your mental and physical health is just as important as what your people are learning. Cause let’s tell the truth, if mama ain't happy, nobody is happy.
You’ve found your internet bestie!

Four Corners Farm was established in 2008
by my hubby Frank and me. We have four little humans ranging from 1-11, a boat load of dairy cows, a few Holland Lop Bunnies, a pack of mouse hunting cats, some rescue huskies, and a bossy bull we call Bruce, who isn’t quite sure about all of the shenanigans he sees going on.
You’ll find me
around our kitchen table between lessons making simple healthy meals with veggies from our garden. And my most favorite place on our farm is the flower garden. Not only do we make the most beautiful bouquets that the locals (where) can pick up, but this special place is a perfect outdoor classroom.
Local to Central Valley California. Click here and send me a message to order a bouquet!
You’re going to want my guide on this one! CLICK HERE
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